Stepan Sοultanian: The Maestro of Instruments


Having dedicated more than 40 years to crafting and maintaining violins, violas, and cellos, he is one of the top craftsmen in his field.

Text: Romina Xyda

Born in Larnaka and raised in London, Stepan Soultanian’s love for the violin began by chance when, at the age of six, he first held the instrument that would shape the rest of his life. “My father worked as a tailor in central London, and in the same building, there was a man who repaired violins and bows. I still remember the smell of wood and varnish that filled the room. It was the first time I was mesmerised by the process.” That magic didn’t lead him to a career as a musician, but it ignited a passion for violin making, which became his greatest love. “By chance, at the age of 15, I met a local violin maker who told me about some schools in the UK where I could learn the craft. Despite the surprise of my family and friends, I decided to pursue this path.”

At the age of 18, he was accepted into the Newark School of Violin Making. During his studies, he completed ten instruments, including three violas and a cello, with which he won first prize in a competition in London. After graduating, he worked in various countries, such as the UK, Japan, and Belgium, before eventually returning to Cyprus: “I returned to Cyprus and settled in Mazotos, a small village near the sea. Here, I work from home, surrounded by nature and family, following the designs of the old masters, such as Stradivari and Guarneri. Through specialised varnishing techniques, I create a convincing antiquing effect that my clients, mostly professional musicians, greatly appreciate.”

To date, he has crafted nearly 120 instruments, and although his reputation continues to grow, he feels there is always something new to learn: “Violin making is not something you learn once and then you’re done. Persistence, patience, and self-criticism are the keys to continuous improvement.” It is precisely this relentless pursuit of perfection that makes Stepan a true master of his craft.

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